Monday, November 01, 2010

Borderlands UPDATE

This is what Borderlands is all about. Guns, guns, guns! Before I began playing Borderlands, I'd heard that it was a loot-based RPG running along the same vein as Diablo, so I expected a certain amount of loot-hunting and scrambling for dropped weaponry and booty...

...But this game is completely BEYOND being just "loot-based." It's ALL about the guns, baybeee! I find myself feverishly blowing enemies away, eyes roving hurriedly around the fallen corpses for those precious blues and purples and oranges and yellows! Did that guy drop a shotgun that's better than mine? WHO CARES? Grab it anyway and sell it if it's a POS!

There are so many different gun types and extra effects and special weapons that I'm seriously beginning to wonder if the programmers for this game simply wrote a random weapon-spawn program that generates these weapons (as opposed to simply creating a library of weapons which may or may not be eventually presented to the gamer, depending on game conditions). Seriously. There are THAT many different weapons.

Aside from that, the story pretty much only exists to give you a stream of enemies and bosses to blast away at as time progresses. But that's OK. In a loot game like this, a great story isn't really needed. The drive is to get the best gear, not to find out what happens to the characters. As a side note, I will say that those little robot dudes are pretty hilarious if you spend some time watching and interacting with them.

All in all, Borderlands is extremely addictive, and I've been wasting faaaar too much time playing this video game... but I suppose that's the point of having a fun game, eh?

Happy belated Halloween, everyone!

----Blind Prophet


123 said...

ah, borderlands... so many hours.. so many... :(

Astra said...

have fun playing!

Rezden said...

I want to start this game so bad. Have to wait until after November though.

brendan said...

ive always wanted 2 play this game my pc is good enough 2 run it just never had the time

SC2 Strats said...

Borderlands is great fun.

Aaron said...

This game looks awesome! I had heard the same things but your pics and description show otherwise. I must get it :O

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have to wait until December to start this killer game...

HondaX said...

nice post man...

What are you doing here. said...

you said it bro.

Discerning Gentleman said...

this is cool!

Mr.Brightside said...

Wow! Cool!

Sykefu said...

i don't really like borderlands.

Light Weight Baby! said...

Borderlands is pretty awesome

Nerd Life said...

nice one

Life Saver said...

haha, I like this

ModerneFusion said...

Omg, I was jsut thinking about this game. I want to try it!! ppl tell me it's like Diablo said...

This is awesome! Keep these posts coming!

itskillertime said...