Monday, October 25, 2010


Borderlands! That's right, everyone... without evening finishing the other video games I'm currently trying (and apparently failing) to finish, I went out the other day and bought a copy of Borderlands. I'd heard good things about it, and I happened to stumble upon a store selling it fairly cheaply, so... *shrug* I grabbed a copy.

I've heard that it's a FPS/RPG offering a huge amount of weaponry, character upgrades, and large maps. I haven't gotten an opportunity to play this yet, because as I mentioned before... I'm trying to finish some other video games before beginning any new ones. We'll see how long THAT lasts. :P

----Blind Prophet


123 said...

Borderlands was pretty fun :D

Jimmy Volmer said...

I'll have to try this game out

Anonymous said...

Hm, I never got into FPS beyond Halo and the original COD. Let us know how it goes!

Longkid said...

Its amazing.

SC2 Strats said...

borderlands is pretty fun stuff. awesome blog, you got a new follower.

Nerd Life said...

game looks awesome

IndustrialHaze said...

good game

Hip-Hop Hikikomori said...

I've gotten the impression that it's good, but not entertaining for any extended amount of time.

Pig Disgusting said...

I've heard good things about this game as well. I'll be awaiting your review, once you do play it.

HondaX said...

nice game..

Light Weight Baby! said...

looks like a good game

Quinn Electronics said...

looks neat

Discerning Gentleman said...

looks like an intense game

What are you doing here. said...

wow thats a neat cover

Drackar said...

It's by gearbox. it's gotta be good. said...

Imma certainly play this!

njohnfixes said...

I've played through this. Twice. I like it.