Thursday, October 14, 2010

Digital Camera

Lately I've been considering getting into some amateur photography. Yeah, it sounds cliched and it probably is, but damn. All the time I see awesome sunsets and moonscapes and car wrecks and murders... I mean... ummm... Cool stuff. And I find myself wanting to capture the moment in some way other than cell phone video. Hell, maybe I could even manage to find a new way to bring in cash! Or not.

Either way, I've been looking at the Nikon D7000 digital camera. It's expensive, but seems like a really good model to aim for in the future. Obviously I would probably start out with a simpler model, something I can pick up from EBAY or something for $200 or so. But... it's nice to dream!

Does anyone else have any experience with the Nikon D7000 camera?


killerkun said...

when you 're buying a camera don't go with the cheap ones, get some quality ones, you can learn a lot with a medium-pro camera

Unknown said...

Amateur wise cheaper would be better I'd assume as if you end up not liking it much you didn't waste so much money.

Drackar said...

I don't have that camera, but I'm happy with my older nikon DSLR>

Nie Mand said...

At the moment I don't have a camera, but I really need one. I always watch at Nikon, because they seem to be a little bit cheaper than Canon or Sony

Nerd Life said...

I have a D700, and I love it :)

plethram said...

any time I want to pursue something, I treat it like a video game almost. I start off with the basic gear and "level up" and get better things as I go.

that way, If you find out your not that into it, not much is lost

Mistah Goodman said...

Nikon is the shit. I don't think there are any better cameras.

What are you doing here. said...

Just say you ment to take it 'like that' and everyone will think you had years if EXP!

Longkid said...

wowowow thats nice!

Anonymous said...

thanks i need new camera :)

Naj said...

get a cheap dslr. it's way better than the others.

Light Weight Baby! said...

wow, that's nice

njohnfixes said...

When I started taking up photography I got a Canon Rebel XSi.

Pig Disgusting said...

Pornography is a good field to go into. I think it ranks #3 in revenue. said...

It's not cliche if you do your own thang.

AKIBA-POP! said...

Nooope. Looks nice though.

Lewis Chan said...

sunsets are awesome

MRanthrope said...

shits expensive...but awesome

Nerd Life said...

Sorry, I'm a Canon guy... I have the 1D3 :)

J. Antonio said...

I don't have one but i've eared that those cams are the best

Aeacus.Warden said...

nice cam

Katie Greene said...

my fanboi friends seem to like cameras like these.

i just don't have the money/time/inclination to follow them down the rabbit hole

Travel And Adventure Team said...

I think nikon is the best one