Wednesday, October 20, 2010


While I'm not entirely ignorant of the cost of some higher-end digital cameras and photography equipment, it never quite struck me just HOW COSTLY some of this stuff could be... until I began browsing the internet. Gobless the Information Age.

This here, ladies and gentlemen, is the Hasselblad H3DII-39MS Digital Camera! Wowsas! Apparently it has software and an operating system that can read your mind and a lens that can take a picture of your grandfather's grandfather using inter-dimensional time-warp. Well, maybe not, but I couldn't think of any other reason for the $30,000 PRICE TAG!!!

Again, I suppose I'm ignorant about the true cost of some of the better photography equipment out there... but this begs me to ask the question: IS IT NECESSARY? Some of the best pictures in history have been taken with cheapo cameras, on the fly and sometimes even accidentally. Do we really need cameras like the Hasselblad that cost as much as houses?


----Blind Prophet


123 said...

Maybe for filming a damn motion picture or some shit, it's so depressing how much cameras and lenses cost compared to how little I actually have ;_________;

What are you doing here. said...

Great camera, looks like a scope to attach on for extra aim..

Drackar said...

This post shows just how little you understand about photography. Larger sensors mean more light.

It's a build quality issue, as well. Optics on that level, of that size, cost. And they aren't exactly common.

It's rather like asking "why do you want to pay 100K for a sports car when your 30K suv will get you everywhere you need to go".

killerkun said...

i could buy so much musical equipment with that quantity of moneys

Jimmy Volmer said...

if I was balling out of control, I'd have a medium format camera for studio work

The Greater Spartan said...

Nice cam i think ill check it out !


wow what a camera

Longkid said...

What a cool camera!!!

HondaX said...

I think this is a very good camera

njohnfixes said...

I'd personally stick with something a bit cheaper. A bit.

Savage Nugget said...

Wish i had that kinda cash laying around. :D said...

30k ?? That's more than a NICE car bro!

Light Weight Baby! said...

medium format FTW