Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life is a game.. play it well!

FALL BREAK! Recently I've felt like life has been a sidescrolling videogame like Super Mario and I've just been jumping over pipe drains and stomping on mushroom-shaped enemies. I'm not saying that life has been boring or that I've lost interest in things, mind you, but... at times it can feel like a mindless video game quest to reach... to reach what? The next level? To gather coins?

Fall break is here, and it's going to be nice to just hang out and take it easy for a few days. No more intense level-grinding or booty collection (unless it's wimminz we be talking, heh)... at least not for a few days. I'm not going to do ANYTHING during my fall break but be lazy.

How about you? What will/did you do for fall break?

----Blind Prophet


ModerneFusion said...

I don't really have a fall break so it kinda sucks for me. Life does feel kind of overwhelming, I find it awfully hard to really find what I want to do. anyway I digress :P Very cool blog and hope you can check mine out when you have a chance :)

Pope Smurf said...

I feel like super mario sometimes.

AKIBA-POP! said...

Didn't do much of anything. ;_;

Longkid said...

I think life is game. And your goal is to do nothing but enjoy it.

Skutt Panda PO said...

verry nice walls i like collors

HondaX said...

very nice pic.....i like this

Anonymous said...

I caught up on some work that needed to be done.

njohnfixes said...

Having been on a fall type break since August, I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing: cleaning!

Light Weight Baby! said...

that's pretty cool

What are you doing here. said...

have fun on your break yo! said...

this is so true!

someone said...

very good photo

Jimmy Volmer said...

I like the Fall

Nerd Life said...

cool, thanks for the update!

SC2 Strats said...

Woot fall break! But I don't have one. :(

Anonymous said...

Just kicked it.

Astra said...

beautiful photo!