Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Update on Spectral Force 3

So a couple of days ago, I posted about this new game I bought fairly cheaply at the local gaming store. Spectral Force 3! After looking it up and reading several reviews, I stumbled on over to Youtube and looked for a few gameplay videos, just so I could get a sense of what the gameplay was like before I actually began to play the game. Why? Because... uhhh... who cares why?

At any rate, Spectral Force 3 looks fairly interesting. I wouldn't say it's MINDBLOWINGLY new or anything, but as I said before; it's a standard Strategy RPG... and I'm OK with that! I don't need things to be constantly new to enjoy them!

So please enjoy this video, which is an excellent review of Spectral Force 3!

----Blind Prophet


killerkun said...

hey it isn't as slow as i thought it would be

What are you doing here. said...

Great video review, its an ok game might buy it if have spare money ya know

The Square Circle said...

looks fun. i should get my xbox fixed. following.

MRanthrope said...

if I had an Xbox I might want to play that

Nerd Life said...

I like this :)

Drackar said...

not my style of gameplay..but hey. Good to have more games out there.

Naj said...

the game looks nice. too bad i don't have a 360. maybe i;ll asked a freind who has a 360 to buy this and i'll play it at her house. :P

Andu said...

It's nothing special indeed. Amusing tho, definitely worth it if it was cheap...

Luigibomb said...

Id get this but i have a PC.

Longkid said...

Looks like a fun game!

MikeNeuman said...

Ah, I love games with a mixture of genres done just right.

Katie Greene said...

good review! makes me want to buy three copies of this game

IndustrialHaze said...

looks like a good game

Jimmy Volmer said...

that makes me want to play!